Gift cards

A gift card to Hotel Nestor is the perfect gift, and it is sure to provide an experience for all the senses! No matter the purpose; a birthday gift, a wedding gift, or just a spontaneous surprise for someone you love, this gift card is guaranteed to make anyone happy. The best part is that the gift card can be used freely to pay for any of Hotel Nestor’s and Restaurant Back Pocket’s services, so that the recipient can enjoy their gift in any way they wish.

To make the choice a bit easier we’ve listed four alternatives out of which one lets you choose your own amount, which can be used for anything at Nestor. The others include predetermined services, but their value may be used differently should the recipient wish to.

On the side you will find the Gift Cards we offer with a description of what is included in each one. If none of them really suits your needs, you can always choose a Gift Card with a specific amount that can be used in Hotel Nestor and Restaurant Back Pocket.

Once you have decided which Gift Card you would like to purchase, simply click on the 'Buy' button. Once there, you will be able to choose the amount of Gift Cards you want, you will be asked for your name, the name of the person receiving the Gift Card and a message for that person (optional).

You can then choose whether you want to send it by email or print it yourself.

  1. Post: Det alternativ vi rekommenderar. Vi förbereder presentkortet för hand, på premiumpapper och i en utsökt presentation, och skickar det till dig på den adress du anger, eller till den person du vill ge presentkortet till.
  2. Med e-post: By email: Enter the email address of the person who will receive the card. You can also choose to send the card immediately or on a specific date. Once you have purchased the Gift Card, it will be emailed to the recipient at the specified time (and you will receive a receipt).
  3. Skriv ut det: Print it: Once you have purchased the Gift Card, it will be emailed to you for you to print out (you will receive a receipt in a separate email).

When you click "Continue", you will be asked to enter your e-mail address (so that the system can send you the receipt) and your bank card details to complete the payment.

And you're done. You've got the perfect gift.

Oavsett om du skickar presentkortet via e-post eller skriver ut det själv innehåller kortet en QR-kod. Mottagaren måste ta med sig det utskrivna kortet och vi använder QR-koden för att lösa in det.

The recipient can add the Gift Card to their Apple Wallet or Google Pay, this way they don't need to print the Gift Card.

Ja, fysiska presentkort är vårt favoritalternativ eftersom de är en mer påtaglig och högkvalitativ gåva för de speciella tillfällena. Våra fysiska presentkort har en utsökt presentation, är tryckta på papper av hög kvalitet och varje kort förbereds av vår personal och skickas till den angivna adressen i tid.

Nedan kan du se en videopresentation av våra presentkort för att ge dig en bättre förståelse för hur de ser ut.

För att beställa ett fysiskt presentkort, välj "Post". Om du vill att vi ska leverera det till dig anger du din hemadress, eller om du vill att vi ska skicka det direkt till mottagaren anger du dennes hemadress.


